Hi !
I just added a lot of new features to the beta of my website : http://the2.0factory.net/lovehate/
It's a huge tagcloud where you can say what you love or hate. Then it creates toplists. Everything is updated regurarly with ajax, so you don't have to refresh the website to see everything change... it's pretty fun !
You can create an account to gain more voting power and keep tracks of all what you loved/hated, or what you added to the cloud.
It is still a beta, so comment this to tell me what I should improve and if you liked it or not.
Go go go !
And don't forget to create an account ! It's fast and it's free !
I too would like to know how to add a new word
Just type something new in the "I Love/hate _____, I really do" form !
Now it should work perfectly